Life can be complicated.
Taking care of yourself shouldn’t be.
San Francisco CA USA
Varsha Rao, Nurx CEO
Dr Edvard Engesæth, Nurx Co-Founder has created a safe space for doctors like Nancy Shannon and her team to help patients all across America with ease of the phone App and comfort of everyone’s home.

No more emergency visits to learn what may be wrong and go for hands-on help only when needed thanks to help from Nurx medical assessment.
All the worry of unknown symptoms can be relived with one Nurx app visit across our nation.
I had the pleasure to interview Dr Nancy Shannon asking her questions about the philosophy behind the Nurx health care model and I learned so much from her about the inner work of health care provider and recipients adapting to a new way of self-care.
ET- What is the first benefit of accessing MD advice using Nurx ?
NS- Our patients can get an appointment with our Medical doctor with 3-5 days of the request where an office visit is a minimum of a week from the time of the patient calling the office for a physical visit.
ET- How can they made a tele doctor visit?
NS- Best is to get an app at the app store or go to to request the visit.
ET- What are the benefits of telemedicine you provide that office visit may not?
NS- More in-depth observation sharing is the key component to catching a health problem while it’s still in the formative stage to care for.
ET- Tell me more about this approach to observing?
NS- our patients are asked to share symptoms and if we see them often enough we can then have a synchronistic understanding of what is happening for the patient and a more accurate diagnosis and well treatment for it. In other words, our patients are asked to conduct and share their own observation with our medical team as a part of joined process and participation in achieving healthy living status
ET- How much do you invite for your patients to be proactive in self-care under your watch?
NS- I believe that experimenting and trying new things lead to success. So I encourage my patients to change routines to improve how they feel by changing what they eat when they exercise etc. to the results they are or I am after.
ET- Can I then say that you offer magical visits to make magic happen by observing and changing health without complaining- more of a team solution treatment based medicine?
NS- Most definitely yes-that is what service we offer in our tele medicine.
ET- Please tell our reader the range of charges they should expect to pay for the visits at Nux?
NS- Our Tele visits range from single at $35 to a three-month range of $90. Physical regular office visit would have been each at a minimum of $100.
ET- What are the most frequent reasons that patients request visit now during the pandemic time?
NS- Most of the issues we are attending to are skin issues from mask friction on the skin, which is causing breakouts and abrasion wounds on the face.
ET- Can you please give our readers your sound advice how to care for it?
NS- I am happy to do that. Most breakouts are caused by clogged pores and by washing the skin twice a day should help to eliminate the bacteria that grows from oil clogging the pores.
ET- Would use of loofa be beneficial to this process?
NS – Yes only if there is no abrasion from the mask present, otherwise it would make it more inflamed and painful. The bacteria in the pores can cause severe cystic acne and at that point, I would recommend antibiotics to treat the infection or Tentinolin strips for the skin
There are other skin conditions caused by the mask such as dry peeling irritation with redness. In his case, Spermo Lactin may help as it can be a hormonal aspect to it. Another is Accutane wildly used acne drug.
ET- do you have advice for preventing the acne showing up on the skin?
NS- The most important part of prevention is the skin care routine. Nothing can replace that- here are the points:
Remove make up for the night
Use only noncomedogenic products- once that do not clog the pores of the skin
Use gently soap or skin cleanser that will not strip the oils from the skin causing cracks but will clean the pores from sitting residue.
Eat low glycemic foods so sugar will not offer food for bacteria
Lower dairy intake as dairy protein is not easily digested and the skin will have to detox it by creating pimples.
By following these few tips to have the clear skin you may be on the way to having it now.
ET- Do you feel that patients with skin breakout, acne or rushes or rosacea have self-esteem issues?
NS- Absolutely they do as the face is how we see and assess each other. Not just from a look as many use make up to cover problems, but also self expression of doubt that comes from insecurity of self presentation in the day to day life.
ET- Can you tell us more about the source of and how to clear rosacea symptoms?
NS- We do not know the cause or source of rosacea, but we have some help to make it less obvious as it only targets the face and not the body.
We see that some cases have enlarged nose from expanded blood vessels- kind of Rudolf the Dear nose look. For this we recommend laser treatment to eliminate the expanded vessels and return the nose to normal size by doing it with few treatments.
We know that spicy food triggers rosacea so i recommend to avoid it if you have this condintion.
Green make up is useful for milder cases as cover up. but other than that we recommend our patients to observe and note what triggered this redness and heat on the face, but logging foods, emotions or even change of laundry detergents and softeners any thing with artificial perfume in it, and of course choose most gently natural skincare and make up.
ET- Do you find a spike in skin focus among your patients?
NS- I am glad you asked. Now that many man and women are ready to go back to work after working from home or going to an interview for a new job they want to look and feel their best again. I want to give them that feeling of being on top of their game and getting that job or feeling ready for the new and exiting life adventure. I am here and my team is too ready to be the strong support for health and wealth of our patients only a phone call away.